Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Characteristics of God

Well, now that I'm reading through Captivating again, for the fifth, sixth or seventh time, yet again something stirs in me...perhaps my heart and my passion that God has given me for this lifetime, but whatever it is, it is energizing! I'm also amazed at how I can read through a book so many times and have it move me and teach me in new ways every time. So just to give credit where it is due, my upcoming blogs (whatever they may be) will most likely reference that book...alot! On with this blog...

There is a song that we sing at church quite often that speaks the same thing to me everytime. We sang that song this past Sunday, and yet again, the Lord reminds me of the same message. I don't know the name of the song, but the chorus goes something like this:

I want to hear the thunder of where you are
To be captured inside, the wonder of who you are
I want to live
I want to breathe
to search out your heart and all of your mysteries

I think it is more common for us to see what traits of God that a man has; man was made in God's image, and although the word "man" is supposed to represent "mankind", sometimes I think it is easy to forget that woman was made in God's image too. We never hear that phrase "woman was made in God's image". I don't care that we use the word "man" to mean "mankind", I just think it might help remind us ladies that we bear certain characteristics of God...characteristics that men don't have...and that makes us unique and very important.

So back to why this song is important to me. We often hear, speak, and sing of God as a warrior; He defends us; He battles for us; He rescues us; He saves us. We are His bride. But this song represents to me characteristics of God that women have. God longs for us to love Him, to seek after Him, to be captured by who He is. If you think about it, this is what a woman longs for too. We are often condemned for being too complicated and mysterious. Because of this we often feel like we're too much or we're not worth the effort. Therefore, we either lower our standard and just let anyone in or we put up a wall and let no one near. But it shouldn't have to be like this. The mystery of a woman should be celebrated...God created us this His image. When a woman feels sought after, that her heart is genuinely being searched for, that someone is longing to know who she is, and then when that person is really captured by what they find, it is then that a woman feels most alive, most loved, and truly content. I guess this is a good definition of what it means to be romanced. It's not the receiving of the flowers and candy that romances us, it's knowing that someone wants to do those things for us that truly melts our hearts. It is the same for God. He doesn't want our acts of service or our money, He wants us to want to serve or to give. But this isn't just for romantic relationships. I think this goes for friendships as well. To know that I have a friend or friends that would truly want to know who I am does the same for the heart. Also, being rejected by a friend leaves similar wounds.

So, if you're a woman reading this, reread the chorus above and pretend like it is a poem from someone (romantically or from a friend) written to you. Doesn't it just melt your heart?


Emily Faulknor said...

Amen sista!!! I LOOOOOVE it. Such a great reminder. I really need to read that book again, so much great stuff. Thank you for sharing your heart in this blog Sarah. I love your heart and love the woman of God that you are. :) Thank you so freakin' much for your friendship!!!

Lizzie said...

hi miss Sarah, so glad to have found your blog. wonderful words that say so much.


Rosetta Borgic said...

Oh, yes. Sarah, I can't believe how much you have changed my life. Thank you. Thank you for being open and putting yourself out here. Thank you for the reminder that I need to find that book in the garage. Thank you for letting God speak through you. You have been essential in my growth, and I gurantee that I am not the only one. I love you friend.

Candace said...

So beautifully written, my friend. I love that you related the book to that song. It's so true. And more women need to know that we reflect God as well. That's powerful stuff.

Becky Moseley said...

I, too, love that song, and so look forward to thinking of it in a different light next time I hear it. Could it be that the God of the universe wants to search out MY little heart?

Juliette said...

Captivating is an amazing book. I wish I wouldn't have given it away but I think I was being obedient to God about giving it to the person I did. It is a life changing book. And it is incredible to think about that song in the way you described. I've had the song stuck in my head ever since I read your blog yesterday :) You are an amazing person Sarah and I love to read your thoughts about God!

Amy said...

AWESOME!! I am going out and buying that book tomorrow. You have a talent in your writing. It flows. Thank you for being so open and honest. Yes, it melts the heart :)

Leah said...

I was just thinking about Captivating today! God has used that book to change my life. I love your insight on the song. Beautiful!

the lains said...

So I just told Larry I would be to bed soon cause I was only gonna read one of your blogs...nope I lied!!! I read all of them and of course I love them cause I love your heart!!! That's why your my bestest friend :) Miss you so much already! So glad we can experience God together and the passion He puts in our hearts even across the great widths of the Pacific ocean!!! Love ya sista!!!